Adam Scime
Adam Scime has been praised as "…a fantastic success…" (CBC) and "Astounding, the musical result was remarkable" ( Awards received for his work include The Socan Young Composer's Competition, The Karen Keiser Prize in Canadian Music, Esprit’s Young Composer Competition, and the Electro-Acoustic Composer’s Competition. Recent notable
performances include Nouvel Ensemble Moderne, New Music Concerts, The Esprit Orchestra, l'orchestre francophonie, The Continuum Ensemble, a feature in the Emergents Series at the
Music Gallery, the Hamilton Philharmonic New Music Festival, the UofT New Music Festival, and broadcasts on CBC Radio. Future projects include a new Opera for FAWN and the Thin Edge
Collective, commissions for The Esprit Orchestra, the Array Ensemble and New Music Concerts for upcoming seasons. Adam is currently studying as DMA student with Gary Kulesha at UofT
and previously with Paul Frehner at UWO.